
Kim, our dedicated nursing home activities coordinator makes sure all of residents are engaged, entertained and stimulated. We have everything from bingo to wine and food tasting, with regular visits from Aldridge Church with music, hymns and prayers for those interested. We also have film evenings, quizzes, themed parties, and for those that cannot leave their rooms we have one-on-one activities which can be anything from a book reading or crossword to simply holding the resident’s hand whilst listening to music.

We have visits from carefully selected ‘therapy pets’ who have all been trained and checked to make sure they’re safe to visit. We even have a house-trained donkey that visits – a particular favourite amongst residents. The joy these animals bring is palpable – you just have to look at everyone’s faces. All of our team members get tremendous satisfaction from this part of the job, which contributes to the year-round, great atmosphere at Aldridge Court.

A wide ranging choice of group and individual activities makes all the difference when it comes to having an enjoyable stay in a nursing home and we put a lot of work into keeping our residents occupied in as many fun ways as we (and they) can think of.